Vegan Baked Apples with Oat Crumble

Vegan Baked Apples with Oat Crumble could be just the dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan recipe you’ve been looking for. For 87 cents per serving, you get a dessert that serves 6. One serving contains 288 calories, 3g of protein, and 10g of fat. This recipe from spoonacular user Because I Like Chocolate requires nutmeg, apples, brown sugar, and canolan oil. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 1 hour. Similar recipes include Sunday Brunch: Rum-Filled Baked Apples with Oat Crumble, Baked Sweet Potato With Maple-oat Crumble, and Healthy Baked Tomatoes with Cheesy Oat Crumble.



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