The recipe Tropical Carrot Cake can be made in roughly 45 minutes. One portion of this dish contains roughly 7g of protein, 4g of fat, and a total of 386 calories. This dairy free and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe serves 9 and costs 79 cents per serving. Only a few people really liked this dessert. A mixture of cinnamon, vanilla paste), applesauce, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so delicious. 1 person has made this recipe and would make it again. It will be a hit at your Easter event. It is brought to you by Foodista. With a spoonacular score of 59%, this dish is solid. Try Tropical Carrot Cake, Tropical Carrot Cake, and Tropical Carrot Cake for similar recipes.
Tropical Carrot Cake
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