Tiramisu Overnight Oats

You can never have too many Mediterranean recipes, so give Tiramisu Overnight Oats a try. One portion of this dish contains about 22g of protein, 22g of fat, and a total of 549 calories. For $2.41 per serving, this recipe covers 22% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. This recipe serves 1. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 5 minutes. It works well as a breakfast. It is a good option if you’re following a gluten free and lacto ovo vegetarian diet. This recipe from spoonacular user maplewoodroad requires greek yogurt, chia seeds, honey, and vanillan extract. Similar recipes are 5 Ways to Top Your Overnight Oats + Vanilla Bean Overnight Oat, 5 Ways to Top Your Overnight Oats + Vanilla Bean Overnight Oat, and Overnight Oats.


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