Gingered Roast Beef

If you want to add more gluten free recipes to your repertoire, Gingered Roast Beef might be a recipe you should try. This recipe serves 8 and costs $5.29 per serving. One serving contains 533 calories, 54g of protein, and 15g of fat. Not a lot of people really liked this main course. 1 person were impressed by this recipe. This recipe from Foodista requires waitrose olive oil, cornflour, marsala, and root ginger. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 45 minutes. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 84%. This score is great. Users who liked this recipe also liked Gingered Rice and Beef, Gingered Rice and Beef, and Gingered Beef Stir-Fry.



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