Egg Souffle With Bacon and Asparagus

Egg Souffle With Bacon and Asparagus might be just the Mediterranean recipe you are searching for. This gluten free, primal, and ketogenic recipe serves 2 and costs $2.85 per serving. This main course has 796 calories, 32g of protein, and 70g of fat per serving. 2 people have made this recipe and would make it again. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 1 hour. If you have pepper, bacon, parmesan cheese, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. It is brought to you by Foodista. Overall, this recipe earns a solid spoonacular score of 54%. Egg Souffle With Bacon and Asparagus, Bacon Pepper Asparagus Souffle Cups, and Pizza With Bacon, Asparagus And Egg are very similar to this recipe.


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