Chocolate Orange Bliss Balls

Need a gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and lacto ovo vegetarian hor d’oeuvre? Chocolate Orange Bliss Balls could be a spectacular recipe to try. This recipe serves 30 and costs 39 cents per serving. One serving contains 89 calories, 2g of protein, and 5g of fat. 1 person found this recipe to be flavorful and satisfying. This recipe from Foodista requires medjool dates, almonds, orange zest, and cocoa powder. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes approximately 2 hours. Overall, this recipe earns an improvable spoonacular score of 0%. Similar recipes include Salted Chocolate–Tahini Bliss Balls, Chocolate (cacoa) And Cashew Bliss Balls, and Salted Chocolate–Tahini Bliss Balls.


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