The recipe Beef Lo Mein Noodles can be made in around 45 minutes. This recipe serves 4 and costs $2.28 per serving. One portion of this dish contains around 23g of protein, 18g of fat, and a total of 344 calories. It works well as a reasonably priced main course. This recipe from Foodista requires soba noodles, flank steak, green onions, and garlic. It is a good option if you’re following a dairy free diet. 22 people were impressed by this recipe. With a spoonacular score of 67%, this dish is pretty good. Users who liked this recipe also liked Beef Lo Mein Noodles, Lo Mein Noodles, and Pork Lo Mein with Zucchini Noodles.
Beef Lo Mein Noodles
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