Tarragon Chicken With Peas

Tarragon Chicken With Peas could be just the gluten free and primal recipe you’ve been looking for. This recipe serves 4 and costs $3.01 per serving. One portion of this dish contains about 54g of protein, 39g of fat, and a total of 614 calories. If you have baby peas, salt and pepper, chicken stock, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. 1 person has made this recipe and would make it again. It works well as a pretty expensive main course. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 30 minutes. It is brought to you by Foodista. Overall, this recipe earns a solid spoonacular score of 68%. Users who liked this recipe also liked Tarragon Chicken With Peas, Tarragon Chicken With Peas, and Orzo with Tarragon and Peas.



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