Mango, Persimmon Smoothie with Cranberries

Mango, Persimmon Smoothie with Cranberries might be just the breakfast you are searching for. This gluten free, dairy free, paleolithic, and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe serves 2 and costs $1.83 per serving. One portion of this dish contains roughly 2g of protein, 1g of fat, and a total of 298 calories. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. It is brought to you by Foodista. It is perfect for Christmas. If you have cranberries, mango, persimmon, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 10 minutes. With a spoonacular score of 61%, this dish is pretty good. If you like this recipe, you might also like recipes such as Persimmon Salad with Toasted Walnuts and Dried Cranberries, Persimmon vanilla bean smoothie, and Paleo Pumpkin Persimmon Smoothie or Pudding.


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