Pleasantly Proteiny Pumpkin Bread

You can never have too many breakfast recipes, so give Pleasantly Proteiny Pumpkin Bread a try. One portion of this dish contains around 9g of protein, 5g of fat, and a total of 153 calories. This recipe serves 8. For 59 cents per serving, this recipe covers 8% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. A mixture of milk, oats, salt, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so yummy. It is a good option if you’re following a gluten free diet. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 30 minutes. It is brought to you by spoonacular user coffeebean. Pleasantly Proteiny Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Beer Bread with Pumpkin and Honey Butter for, and Organic Evoo Pumpkin Bread With Pumpkin Seed Topping are very similar to this recipe.



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