Polenta gnocchi with savoy cabbage and cheese

Polenta gnocchi with savoy cabbage and cheese could be just the gluten free and lacto ovo vegetarian recipe you’ve been looking for. For $2.39 per serving, you get a main course that serves 2. One serving contains 459 calories, 20g of protein, and 25g of fat. This recipe is liked by 10 foodies and cooks. This recipe from Foodista requires savoy cabbage, sage, polenta, and egg. This recipe is typical of Mediterranean cuisine. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes roughly 45 minutes. Taking all factors into account, this recipe earns a spoonacular score of 76%, which is pretty good. Savoy Cabbage and Potato Soup with grated Leicester Cheese and Greek Yogurt, Savoy Cabbage And Turnips, and Savoy Cabbage With Caraway are very similar to this recipe.


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