Rösti With Papaya Salad

Rösti With Papaya Salad might be just the side dish you are searching for. This recipe serves 6. One portion of this dish contains approximately 4g of protein, 15g of fat, and a total of 293 calories. For 87 cents per serving, this recipe covers 12% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes about 45 minutes. 1 person were impressed by this recipe. It is a good option if you’re following a dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan diet. It is brought to you by Foodista. A mixture of bread crumbs, onion, sunflower oil, and a handful of other ingredients are all it takes to make this recipe so scrumptious. With a spoonacular score of 81%, this dish is awesome. Similar recipes include Swiss rösti salad, Beachy Papaya Boats with Papaya Seed Drizzle, and Paleta De Papaya Y Coco (papayan And Coconut Popsicle).



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